Monday, June 27, 2011


You said you have a mine full of diamonds
Untouched, unexploited..reserved for me
But I know, many maidens went there before
Dug it out and adorned themselves...
I can still hear the echoes of dangling necklaces
Little whispers and cries of pleasure...
The brightness emanating from these charms,
Have blinded innumerable foolish eyes till now
And now you want me to give in to them...
So that I surrender myself to your plans
But I’ve seen the reflection of your true face,
In the same diamonds you want to flatter me with!
I don’t want these illusory endowments any longer
I will follow the stars and move as far as I can...
You can entice another lady to your allurement.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Surprised to see you here before me,

I only saw you on the screen till now!

Even if I pinch myself in my dreams,

I wouldn’t want to wake up anyhow!

You’ve spinned a web of matrix around,

And I’m stuck somewhere as a bait...

As you come closer,my heart pounds faster

Consume me! Your little prey can’t wait!

As your hypnotic gaze catches my eyes,

A fleck of uneasiness rattles my spine...

Paralysed by your vicious magnetism,

Nothing else, but only you seem divine!

Desire has taken over my heart and mind,

As if I’m addicted to the strongest wine!

Never in my life had I felt this vulnerable,

That I’m even ready to be your concubine!

I can spend this moment as an eternity

And nothing else matters this day

You can graciously hunt me down,

I’m ever ready to be your wilful prey!

Strike your fangs in my slender neck...

As I moan out little words of pleasure

This is perhaps love, or maybe lust

But it’s a feeling I could never measure!